Please see VHDL Part 30 for the code.
The synthesis of MUX code I had posted previously completed successfully. However, it gave me the following warnings on the Transcript subwindow (subwindow at the bottom):
(1) WARNING:Xst:819 - "C:/Xilinx/10.1/tahder/scratch/mux1/mux1.vhd" line 44: One or more signals are missing in the process sensitivity list. To enable synthesis of FPGA/CPLD hardware, XST will assume that all necessary signals are present in the sensitivity list. Please note that the result of the synthesis may differ from the initial design specification. The missing signals are:
(2) WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 2-bit latch for signal
Some people ignore warnings since the design still runs during simulation. I don't as they warn :) me of some problems that might occur during my synthesis. By 'synthesis' I mean when you implement this on the FPGA board. Some warnings are okay, while some can be removed as in the case with this code. To view full info on the warning, see the Design Summary (if not already open, double click View Design Summary on the Processes Subwindow, the one with the green upper case sigma icon).
Here's how I removed those warnings.
(1) Guided by the Design summary, the inputs mux_in1, mux_in2, mx_in3 and mux_in4 must be included in the process sensitivity list. The process line must be
mux_process : process (mux_sel, mux_in1, mux_in2, mux_in3, mux_in4)
(2) This error is explained by Xilinx as stated above. Remember that latches are not clocked and this may lead to synthesis problems. The two-bit latch that were generated are due to the following lines were mux_out2 are not specified.
when "10" => mux_out1 <= mux_in3;
when "11" => mux_out1 <= mux_in4;
If you still decide to go on with simulation in spite of this warning you will have the following result:
The way I get around this is that I assign values for all outputs. However, if I don't want to be specific with some of them and I just don't care what their outputs are, use 'X' which is for assigning all unknown or don't care values. And so the case statement must be
when "00" => mux_out1 <= mux_in1; mux_out2 <= "0011";
when "01" => mux_out1 <= mux_in2; mux_out2 <= "0010";
when "10" => mux_out1 <= mux_in3; mux_out2 <= (others=>'X');
when "11" => mux_out1 <= mux_in4; mux_out2 <= (others=>'X');
when others =>
And my simulation result is
which is what I expected.
Going back to the case statement, I may assign "XXXX" to mux_out2 which is a bit vector. However, if the length of my vector is something like 256, using (others=> ) will be very handy.
Also, you may notice the last two lines
when "11" => mux_out1 <= mux_in4; mux_out2 <= (others=>'X');
when others =>
You may say that since there are only 4 possible inputs, why don't I just put these two in one line.
when others => mux_out1 <= mux_in4; mux_out2 <= (others=>'X');
Well, I did it to be sure during synthesis. I may also do something like
when "11" => mux_out1 <= mux_in4; mux_out2 <= (others=>'X');
when others => mux_out1 <= (others=>'0'); mux_out2 <= (others=>'X');
which is also okay (for me).
(1) Pedroni, V., Circuit Design with VHDL, The MIT Press, 2004.
(2) Xilinx MUX Toolbox
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